Friday, October 3, 2008

New News

pHor Baby: An organic journeySo this last week has been quite busy and full of new things. I had a day dream I guess you would say about an Organic Baby product line. At first I thought that's fine but nothing would really happen. Then I realized with my parents and the great things they have done for so many, that maybe they would see this idea as beneficial for their purposes of helping people become well. So I wrote Dad an email and he said it sounded great and Mom was also excited. I think with how much my parents have already done to guide which is a lot. Young Mothers I talk to would rather give up than help their family live more natural because of the complexity, they feel overwhelmed by the idea of change. So I thought just starting with ideas like this, it might open up all kinds of ideas to help the Young Mothers find that changing the lifestyle can become more simple. I would name the line "pHor Baby"and "pHor Kids" and put little Isabeaus pic on the products. I can see lotion, wash, ointments, powder, baby food grinders, kid friendly cook books, child safe bottles, child safe alkaline house cleaners, organic clothing/onesies, natural products like colostrum, omegas, snack bars etc. . . In a society where everything is fast food, pre packaged, instant gratification, go and buy more lifestyle; it would be awesome to help the kids go back to a simple life, appreciate pure foods and create a desire to take care of the world and our bodies our Father in Heaven gave us. My desire is only to help young Mothers realize how simple taking care of the family in a more natural organic way can be. The children are beautiful perfect souls that make me motivated to be become better for them. I am excited to create a new journey of things. I am grateful for the knowledge I have been given and the blessings from it, and hope it may help others. It would be fun to create.