Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MyLady Mothers

Hey, My Lady friends this was emailed to me from the sweetest
soul and thought I would pass on the great idea. We mothers 
all need a little "Uhmpf" when life feels splendidly overwhelming
in this lovely crazy life.

I hope you are all doing well.  I have put together a blog that I would love for you all to be a part of.  It is meant to be a resource for women and mothers and I think we can all help each other.  It is in its very beginning stages and I am just wanting to see if it is something that women (especially mothers) would like.  My hope is that any of you that would like to will please email me with your mothering/life tips, ideas, quotes, great talks, recipes, links to websites, great books or anything else you can think of that would be beneficial to mothers and women in general. 
This blog is never meant to be preachy or to leave you feeling like you need to do more in a day or that your not as good as "those" other moms.  It is simply to uplift, to share and to help each other come closer to Christ and ease the burden that motherhood can present at times. 
If you would like to email this blog to any other friends or mothers you know and ask them to email to their friends that would be great.  Please email me with anything you would like to add to the blog.  I want this to be a place that everyone can share things they've learned.  Also, if any of you have a question or need advice from other wonderful women please email me with the question (I keep it anonymous) and I will post it and women can then answer... hopefully it can help us all.  I would also love to have mothers with grown children who have experienced it all to read the blog and share the things they have learned over the years.
Thank you all for your time.  The blog is still a work in progress.  Please let your friends know and please contribute.  I don't know about all of you but I could use all the help I can get in raising my kids.
Here is the link www.mylady-formothers.blogspot.com.  The blog is titled My Lady because when Christ used the word "woman" in the scriptures it translates to "my lady".
I love you all.


Team Hancock said...

thank you for posting this. I checked out the link and loved it. I think you should be a contributing writer for it as well.

Valiant and Virtuous Kids said...

Thank you Ashely, that was so nice of you to do.